
Settings allows you tweaking some app properties

Task list name prefix

Task list prefix has been removed in version 2.0.0. Since then it is possible to have task templates in any task list.

Destination Task List

This should be your normal task list. Or if you like, you can keep it separated and create a new task list and flip between your standard and recurrent one. App offers you your first task list it will find. Leave it as it is, unless you are already using multiple tasks list.

Log level verbosity

In case something seems to be not working as you suppose it to work, you can look into the execution log file (or send it over to developers). Following log levels are recognized:

1 - important messages

2 - warnings

3 - information

4 - extended information

10 - development/debugging information

Processing Date Range

How many days into the future will be tasks generated. Default is 3 weeks, but can be changed to up to 8 weeks.

Date Format

App does support 3 different date formats:

Old (kept for backward compatibility purpose)

Day of year specification for Yearly recurrence: MM/DD Start and end dates: YYYY-DD-MM


Day of year specification for Yearly recurrence: MM/DD, e.g. 9/15 for Sep 15, 2015

Start and end dates: MM/DD/YYYY, e.g. 9/25/2015 for Sep 25, 2015


Day of year specification for Yearly recurrence: DD/MM, e.g. 15/9 for Sep 15, 2015

Start and end dates: DD/MM/YYYY, e.g. 25/9/2015 for Sep 25, 2015

Week Starts On

This setting influences how days-of-week specified in weekly recurrence type will be understood.

"Sunday": 1 = Sunday, ..., 7 = Saturday

"Monday": 1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday