

  1. Open app (button is on this page)

  2. Google Apps is going to ask you for permissions so this web-app can manage your tasks. See Security for more details.

  3. App will open a page where you can perform basic configuration, but you can leave it as it is (unless you are already using multiple tasks lists - in such case, please, check if offered Destination Task List is the one you will use). See Settings for more details.

The First Steps

You can either let app to create an example task list containing some recurrent tasks, which can help you understand how does it work and you can tweak them for your use.

OR, you can do everything by yourself :-)

BTW: you can let app create example task list anytime... no worry...

Letting app do it for you

1. Open the app

2. Navigate to tab "Manage Tasks"

3. Open Google Calendar and lookup the newly created task list.

4. Look into specific task notes for more info.

Doing by yourself

1. open Google Calendar and create new task list, e.g. "My repeating tasks".

You can as many repeating tasks lists as you wish, separating e.g. the ones related to your family and the ones related to your work.

2. Open app and navigate to "Manage Tasks" tab. Select your newly created list from the dropdown and start creating tasks.

You can also create/manage recurring tasks directly from Google Calendar by specifying recurrence pattern directly in the task notes. See Recurrent Tasks Templates for more details on possible recurrence patterns.